350CO2 – Let’s Save the Planet, The Economy, and Ourselves!

Okay, so, today is 350.org’s blog action day – a day for all of us to share what we know about the planet, conserving resources, and reversing/reducing any damage we have done to the environment. This is very important because, so far, we only have the one planet to live on! Additionally, those of us tuned into the more natural energies of our planet, through religion, spirituality or breathing, can have our energy and magic workings effected by the state of the planet!

Most of us are aware of global warming. Most people believe it, some people don’t and are waiting for more proof. The way I look at it, if I get too much proof, it’s already going to be too late. When the glaciers melt and California sinks under the ocean and we have our irrefutable proof, we’ll already have lost California! So let’s not let things get that far. Besides, conserving energy, lowering your ‘carbon footprint’, and treating the Earth well also have economic benefits! Let’s get started!

Wait, what’s this 350CO2 thing in the title?

Oh, right – well, C02 is Carbon Dioxide, an important chemical when it comes to global warming, pollution, etc. 350 ppm (parts per million) of CO2 is what we need to get down to in order to stop contributing to Global Warming. Right now, worldwide, we’re at 387 ppm. The website 350.org is one of many sites trying to get the word out – check it out!

Does that mean it’s too late already?

Heck no! We still have time to bring the CO2 levels down and to stop contributing. A one time raise over 350 ppm isn’t going to cause global warming, it’s maintaining a level OVER 350 ppm that’s going to do it! So let’s stop maintaining it!

Okay, so NOW let’s get started!

Reduce energy use!

  • Benefits: reduce your own household’s CO2 emissions, reduce the emissions of the electric and gas companies, reduce the price of electricity (supply vs. demand – right now our demand is high enough that we’re being charged extra for the strain on electric companies), reduce your own electric bill, save money and buy cool stuff!
  • Did you know that a HUGE source of wasted energy is caused by leaving things on when they aren’t in use, such as lights, computers, cell phone chargers, TVs, and stereos? Start by turning them off! You’ll save money AND the environment!
  • On a more spiritual level – we always strive for applying our energy in the right directions at the right times – this should apply to the spiritual plain, mental plain, AND the material plain! Energy is energy!

Conserve gasoline/petrol!

  • Benefits: obviously, saving on your gas bill (and with today’s prices, who doesn’t want to do this?), reducing emissions and pollution, saving wear and tear on your vehicle, seeing more of your neighbors and community, increasing your exercise, fitness, and health
  • Did you know that the average vehicle mileage PER DAY in the US is 40 miles? 40 miles! That’s insane! Try consolidating all your trips into just one trip on average – this saves gas AND time! Walk more often if you can – you’ll get more exercise, fit into your skinny jeans more often, get some all important Vitamin D in your system (deficiencies can cause and contribute to depression), and you’ll get to know your neighborhood better.
  • On a more spiritual level – your energies will be less scattered and you can bring more calmness and stillness into your life! AND you might be getting outside more!

Enjoy outdoor activities more!

  • Benefits: More time where you can save energy (see above), play with the kids/dogs, meet your neighbors, encourage your city to maintain it’s parks and public areas by increasing use, bond with your family more, get out in the sunshine, get away from the TV, video games, telephone, and computer (but don’t forget to turn them off, too), be more relaxed and healthier (physical activity and spending time in nature decreases stress in the mind and body – both of which are unhealthy for you)
  • Did you know that going outside  improves your memory and attention (just 1 hour increases these by 20%) and gives you the benefits of meditation? Even if you don’t enjoy the outdoors, you still get these benefits AND they’re the same if it’s comfortable outside or not! Not only does it improve your brain function, it also relieves eye stress! Eye stress can actually lead to degradation of your eye-sight (it happened to me), so going outside will maintain your eye sight – check that out! Fresh air also provides the benefits of a jolt of caffeine – without the harmful side effects. A 10 minute trip outside can help you feel more relaxed, energized, and better able to face tasks and problems. If you take your partner, friend, children, or pet, you’ll find yourself developing a closer relationship with them – and outdoor activities – even just a walk – has been show to reduce behavior problems in both kids AND dogs!
  • On a more spiritual level you’ll be connecting with the natural world and the Mama Earth directly – what more do you want?

Buy local!

  • Benefits: improving your local economy by supporting your friends and neighbors, increase a sense of community in your town, increase local jobs, and a lot of other really good economic benefits! In addition, even if local products are made using the exact same evil industrial processes as foreign goods, you’ll be preventing the damage, both economic and environmental, that packing, shipping and unpacking goods causes! If buying local foods, you’ll be decreasing the amount of pesticides and hormones that you’re digesting.
  • Did you know that a carrot on average has to travel nearly 2,000 miles before it reaches your table? That’s just madness! Wheat farmers typically make $.06 cents per loaf of bread created. Farmers selling at farmer’s markets get to keep $.80-$.90 for each dollar they sell.

Of course, there are many other things that you can do that will benefit your life, reduce your waste, save the environment, and contribute to your spirituality. For more information and resources, try some of the sites below.


Brighter Planet


Planet Green @ Discovery

The Green Guide

Going Green

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.