About Nathara


Hi there!

My name is Nathara, and I am… well, I am what I am.

I’ve struggled for many years about what label to use. When I describe what I do, people go “oh, so you’re a witch” – but when I say that I’m a witch, people end up with a wholly different idea of who I am and what I do. But, I’m still going with it.For now.

So, eschewing labels, what DO I do? Well, I:

  • Guide and advise others on their spiritual path
  • Guide and advise others on their business path
  • Teach relationship skills
  • Provide psychic, tarot, and other readings
  • Provide a variety  of magical services 
  • Celebrate, complain, and philosophize about the new age/witchy community
  • Teach and study various topics, including philosophy, religion, history, psychic and magical practices
  • Bring us all back to reality (that sounds vague, but it’s a big part of what I do)
  • Lay in ponds and hand out swords (because why not?)

So, yes, that’s me, in a nutshell. 😀 I hope you enjoy it here. 😀