Author: Nathara
From Plinky: What activity, task, or game do you love most in the world? Why?
Today, I’m going to go with dancing. Dancing is so amazing. So much of our time is spent outside ourselves: working on paperwork, working on the computer, watching the TV, watching the kids, watching the dogs, doing the chores, taking care of the stuff, escaping into the books/movies/shows. Dancing is one of the few things…
Power Animals Around the World
The concept of Animal Spirit Guides (or, here, “Power Animals”) is not unique to any particular culture, though a lot of people will immediately think of Native American or Meso American cultures. This is where we get a lot of the neo-shamanic practices of Animal Medicine or Totem Animals, but it’s important to recognize that…
All About Strawberries
Wow, has it been a busy week! I’m sorry I’m getting this out to you late, but my little brother came to visit this weekend and we had WAY too much fun! No strawberries, though. Here’s a “guest appearance” I did on Paranormal Avians where Birdy and I both chime in on how to use…
Visibility or Not
One can never be entirely sure if something is visible or not or if one is simply not perceiving. ~ Nathara, in conversation with a friend about technology
The Shadow Self per Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D.
I’m reading a wonderful book of women’s magic by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D. called “Women Who Run With the Wolves”. I’m loving it so far. Dr. Estes has collected many stories from all around the globe, some familiar and some not, and included them in her book along with an analysis (she’s a Jungian Psychoanalyst)…
On the Quality of Movement and Technique
When I was first learning to dance, I remember how I raced to keep up. It was a challenge to make the right movements with my hips – to thrust, twist, and drop them – in time with the music. My practicing often included going over choreography as quickly as I could possibly get through…
All About Pearls
Pearls are a slightly different stone in that, instead of being formed beneath layers of rock and dirt, they are formed from the nacre secreted by various mullesks, especially by the oyster. As such, pearls remain a lively stone, shimmering and shining light from within. Pearls, with their soft roundness, have long been associated with…
All About Aventurine
Aventurine is a beautiful green stone comprised of small crystalline structures, giving it a beautiful shimmering and metallic gleam. Aventurine is primarily used in two kinds of magic: luck and visions. Aventurine can be used to increase perceptive prowess, give clarity when looking to the future, and increasing creativity and expressions. Keep a small piece…
End of the World
Well, it looks like we’re still here. At least, the two of us are. The “end of the world” came and went and the world is still here. But that doesn’t mean that we’ve missed out on the opportunity for change that endings bring with them. Just because the Earth is still intact and going…
I Celebrate Christmas!
It’s true! And you can, too! I mean, it all depends on what you really want. I also celebrate Solstice AND Yule. Separately. And Samhain and New Year’s, too, but they’re beside the point. My whole point is – well, I suppose it’s that I’ll take any excuse for merriment. But really, my point is…