Author: Nathara
Your ShadowSelf – Who Is That?
I’ve mentioned the ShadowSelf a few times here and there, but I don’t think I’ve ever gone into explanation about what I mean. Simply, the things that you are willing to share with other people and are considered positive values or that come naturally are the things that are in the light – everything else…
Pagan Embarrassment
The majority of Pagan blogs that I’ve found teach the basics of magic and discuss what it’s like to be the only family to celebrate Samhain in the Southern Bible Belt. While I absolutely feel that these experiences are important to share, they aren’t really a part of my world, so I don’t follow any…
One True Faith
Back in Creator Deities, I shared a little bit about what my personal religio-spiritual beliefs were regarding my deities and I thought I would continue that thought here by talking about the existence of One True Faith. Short version is: I don’t believe in one true faith. Long version is: I don’t believe in one true faith, which…
All About Amber
Amber is the solidified and fossilized resin of certain conifers (trees) often prized for the leaves, insects, and other organic matter that is often captured within. Made famous by the movie Jurassic Park, where they extracted dinosaur DNA from a mosquito preserved in a block of amber, it is a beautiful honey color with variations…
All About Coconut
Coconuts are commonly used in magic for chastity, protection, and good fortune. The health benefits of coconut is just becoming common knowledge, and these nuts are becoming easier and easier to find throughout the country. Asian and Pacific Island cultures rely on coconuts so much, in fact, that they often refer to the palm tree…
I’m Still Not Perfect and I Still Don’t Have to Be
A friend of mine posted on an older post of mine (I’m Not Perfect and I Don’t Have to Be) and I chuckled when I reread it. I remember that day and I remember that feeling I had, and I’m happy to say that I’m still not perfect. I’ve grown, though. I’m not the same…
All About Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a commonly used cooking herb derived from the bark of the Cinnamomum tree. It is used in the cooking of almost all of our favorite things and has a distinct taste and scent. It has long been prized by through Europe and the Middle and Far East. Traders would keep the harvesting of cinnamon…
All About Turquoise
Turquoise is a beautiful stone normally of a sky blue but it can range from the palest of baby blues to the deepest of greens and every shade in between. Turquoise is a unique stone all around the world because it has been so very highly valued by so many different peoples. Part of this…
I Had a Dream….
So, a few nights ago I had a dream. It wasn’t that extraordinary of a dream. It was about an apartment that I had moved into (not in real life, only in the dream) that was SO beautiful and I loved it SO much. There were all the things that I wanted: hardwood floors, big…
Happy Mabon Everyone!
Hi everybody! It’s Mabon! Also known as the Autumn Equinox! Today the day and the night are perfectly balance and equal in length. Check out the video to learn more! httpv://