Author: Nathara
Controlling Your Abilities
There’s a lot of advice out there about how to develop and control developing psychic abilities, and a lot of advice varies from ability to ability. I just wanted to share a quick and easy exercise to get your abilities under control immediately so you can take the time later to develop them. This exercise…
Samhain Cleansing Time
Samhain, or Halloween, is coming up quickly! This is a great time to celebrate the year that has passed and wrap things up so you’re fresh for the upcoming new year. One of the things that I like to do every Samhain is to do a thorough cleansing of my own energies and let go…
What To Do with Your Ghost
With Halloween around the corner, we have a plethora of horror movies and ghost stories and ghost shows filling our TVs. But what should you do if you think that you have a ghost? Don’t let it scare you! If you do, you’ll just create a negative energy in your own space. Nearly all ghosts…
Honesty is the Best Policy
We have a lot of control over how and where our energy flows. Some of us have even learned to read or tap into those energy flows and can interpret the information that they carry. When you seek someone out who can do this, a psychic, you need to be open and honest with them.…
Lessons From the Ants – Today’s Animal Medicine
One of my cats is a food monitor. He lets me know whenever the food in their bowls gets below a certain acceptable level, or if the food has been out too long and has gone stale. When this happens, he’ll mew pitifully (which is so cute because he’s 18 lbs and has a kitten…
Why I Read Tarot
I’ve been reading the tarot cards for a really long time – well over 10 years, which is a long time to be doing anything, really. I love reading the tarot cards – I find them to be an excellent resource to give you an objective perspective on a situation and to help explore the…
It’s Raining Runes!
So, I’ve decided to dust off my runes and re-learn to use them in readings. It’s been mentioned a few times to me that I should, so I’m really going to do it again. I haven’t read them since I was much much younger so I’m pretty excited about it. But why am I mentioning…
Predictions – How Reliable Are They?
While doing tarot readings, people want a lot of predictions, they want to know what’s going to happen in their future. When a psychic or tarot reader makes a prediction, it’s more akin to a weather forecast. Based on patterns of behavior, decisions that have been made, and assuming things continue normally, we’re able to…
Of Forgetting and Forgiving
It’s a sad fact of life that, sooner or later, someone is going to hurt you in some way. It happens to all of us. Sometimes it’s intentional, sometimes it’s not. Sometimes they know it will happen, sometimes they couldn’t have predicted it. Sometimes they say they’re sorry, sometimes they don’t. But that hurt generates…
Using Affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements that you use to change the energy vibration of your life. You can use these affirmations to bring about change in yourself or your circumstances. The concept is based on the idea that thoughts have energy and that like energy attract like, so by generating a certain energy with your thoughts,…