Author: Nathara
Cycles of Life
By now, we’re all familiar with the circle of life and what it entails, but are you aware that within life there are repeating cycles as well? We see these cycles all around us. If we learn to work with the cycles, we can start gaining the most return for our energy and see greater…
All About Amethyst
Amethyst is a beautiful crystalline purple stone, sometimes with white bands, that has long intrigued human kind. It can be a pale lavender to a dark wine color. Amethyst has long been valued for its soothing effects on the psyche. It was often placed under pillows at night to help with insomnia, headaches, and to…
All About Garlic
Mmmmmm! Garlic is one of my favorite herbs! It’s antioxidant properties and effects on your health have been lauded. Aside from it’s obvious effects with protection against vampires, garlic has several other benefits to it as well. Garlic has long been used as a general protective herb, worn around the neck or carried in the…
Do vs. Don’t – Affirmations, Spells, and Other Energy Work
Coming up with affirmations, incantations, and other energy work wordings can be a complicated process. You need to balance both what works best with energy – clear and concise messages – and what works best with your own psychology, since if the two are at odds manifesting is going to be a tough gig! A…
Going Green – What it Can Do For You
Right now we’re experiencing a HUGE push to ‘go green’ – or minimize our impact on our planet. This includes things like using reusable water bottles instead of disposable ones, composting your organic materials at home, and buying local products over imported products. Since going green is all about saving our environment, other than a…
Today’s Animal Medicine – Rabbit
Rabbit has played many roles in several different cultures. It’s better known qualities include it’s power of fertility. While Rabbit does have a speedy reproductive cycle, every 28 days, it has other associations as well. It is one of the 12 sacred animals of the Chinese zodiac and is considered a very auspicious sign. The…
How to Make a Sachet
Sachets are small bags filled with herbs typically for a magical purpose. They are either squares with their corners tied together or sewn together like small pillows. Find a square piece of fabric at least 4 inches long on each side (larger squares can be used depending on taste). Use a natural or organic fabric…
The Gift of Gratitude
In our modern society of run-and-chase-the-goal, we rarely take the time to reflect on the gifts we’ve been given and the goals we’ve achieved. A lot of this is just being too busy, and some of it is never being able to have enough. There are other factors as well – rising costs of living,…
What to do with Your New Deck
I am SO smitten with my brand new tarot deck! I just received the Shadowscapes Tarot Deck (by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law). I love the imagery and the feel the deck. I’ve had it for a total of two days now. So, what did I do with the deck right away? Express gratitude for my new…
Centering Simplified
Centering, along with grounding and protection, is a keystone to good spiritual or energy health. Centering allows you to gather back your scattered energy into your body which will better enable you to focus and apply your energy to your endeavors. If you aren’t centered, you tend to tire easily, find it difficult to focus,…