Author: Nathara
Everyday Spirituality in 3 Steps
I’ve been seeing this phrase bandied around and use it often myself, but what does it really mean? It means having a spiritual life that is one and the same with your ‘regular’ life – completely without separation. But how do you do that? Try on these three steps and see if things don’t get…
Stress Relief, Quick!
So, modern medicine is telling us more and more that stress is a detriment in nearly all areas of our lives. It hurts our body, fatigues our mind, keeps us awake at night, and disrupts our energy flows. Stress is a truly horrible thing for us – and a modern way of life! So, what…
What If I Can’t Do All This Psychic Stuff?
We’ve gone over a lot of different techniques and information so far and I’m sure some of you are convinced you haven’t a psychic or magickal bone in your body. In fact, you’re so un-psychic that you don’t even perceive the mundane world correctly let alone a spirit world! So, do you forget the whole…
What Portals Can Do For You
Doors, doorways, archways, hallways, and gates are all examples of different portals that we use day to day. Portals are any structure, formal or informal, that separates one space from another space and are technically considered ‘between spaces’. And, just a people, animals, and other creatures use these portals to get from one place to…
Why ‘Is he/she the one?’ Isn’t a Simple Question
In all my experience as a tarot reader, ‘Is he/she the one?’ is the question I’m asked most often and the trickiest one to answer. While the answer is a simple yes/no, the delivery is crucial. As a psychic advisor, the words I choose may well effect decisions people make with their lives. What people…
The Best Advice I Ever Received
If you’re able to find one true friend that will stick with you through thick and thin, then you have the friends you need.
What’s Your Favorite Fable?
A fable is a story, usually pretty short, using animals as characters and generally containing a moral or other poignant point to it. I love fables and have every since I was little. They’re a great way to make a point and, they’re a fabulous exercise in storytelling and I absolutely LOVE the art of…
Shapechanging – How to Part 2
In part 1 of this post we explored more earthly ways of connecting with animal energies. We talked about researching out animals, learning all about them, and bringing physical images of them into our lives through pictures and representations. Now we’re going to move into a more cerebral/mystical level. These techniques take time to master…
Expensive Tools – To Buy or Not to Buy
Magic and new age supplies can be VERY expensive and sometimes it can seem like a lot of money to spend for an ancient earth-based religion. At least, that’s my feeling on it. You’ve got candles, herbs, spices, athames, wands, staves, bessoms, altar supplies, crystals and gemstones, cauldrons, and things to keep all the things…
Today’s Animal Medicine – Lion
Lions are hugely iconic animals in our modern society, often symbolizing nobility, majesty, pride, and ferocity. This is in keeping with more ancient associations of the lion with the sun and sun energies. Lions are unique in the cat world in that they live and work in family groups, referred to as prides. Another trait…