Author: Nathara
Fear of the Dark?
I’ve always had a fascination with the fear of the dark. I never really experienced a real fear of the dark when I was younger, not that I recall, of course, then again my home growing up was never truly dark, either. Psychologists tell us that a fear of the dark is really a fear…
Shapechanging – How To Part 1
Shapechanging is an ancient art originating with ancient peoples all over the globe. As such, there are a lot of different ways that you can learn to shapechange. Ancient rituals would sometimes include elaborate costumes, dance, and ritual but we’re going to concentrate on simpler and more every day methods that you can easily work…
Poor Sick Kitty
My poor little Abel has been throwing up and passing out. We took him to the emergency vet yesterday and they ran every test that they could on him. Most of the tests came back today and show that everything is normal, so that’s good. He’s a very healthy kitty, but the vet has no…
What’s in a Name? Nathara vs. FaeNathara
As some of you may have noticed, getting my own domain name has caused me to change from ‘just’ ‘Nathara’ to ‘FaeNathara.’ While I still mostly use ‘Nathara’, the change in name is very likely to effect the website, so I thought it would be interesting to take a look at the differences between the…
July’s Universal Month Number – 1
How this year has flown by! It’s hard to believe it’s July already – midsummer is past and now it’s time to look forward to monsoon season and fall. Should be absolutely beautiful out here – and especially looking forward to the cooler weather! This month’s Universal Month Number is 1. This is the month…
Had a Great Time – Thank You Shutterbugs!
I had a wonderful time dancing for the shutterbugs on Saturday! What a great group! We had a 115 degree weekend, but there was a wonderful breeze blowing Saturday afternoon which kept the park very comfortable. I had the opportunity to dance WITH my teacher, too, instead of just ‘at the same time’ or ‘while…
Today’s Animal Medicine – Badger
For this week’s animal medicine, we’re walking the thin line represented by badger. There’s a reason we say that some people can ‘badger’ you and become a nuisance, and we’re going to look at both the positive and the negative side of Badger medicine. Badgers are notoriously aggressive, often taking on predators that are traditionally…
My Life In Review – So Far
So, I tend to keep my own numerology chart as a bookmark in whatever book I’m studying on Numerology just to have it handy and to have something nearby to look over as I read new information. Boy, was I surprised to realize that in the last year I transitioned from my formative cycle into…
A New Direction – Upcoming Performances
Okay, so I change my mind because I can do that. I’m going to keep this blog alive afterall as my belly dance blog – Yay! I’m so excited to have somewhere to post about things! So, I’m performing on Saturday morning for the Casa Grande Shutterbugs, a local photography group who is celebrating their…
Teachers on TV –Being in the Now
Life lessons can come to us in any way we’re receptive, and TV is no exception. Tonight I ran across the ‘Joy of Painting’ with Bob Ross, which I find absolutely engrossing. There’s something about his energy that I just love. There’s actually something almost meditative about watching ‘Joy of Painting’ that’s pretty amazing. Two…