Black Widow at Moon Dark

Black Widow
Black Widow by Educated Savage me

So, just a couple days ago, on the night of the new moon, I felt like I needed to reconnect. That I’d grown far from my gods and from my magick and I wanted to bridge the gap that had formed. But I didn’t feel like doing a full ritual, so I settled for a prayer (which is still ritualized).

I grabbed: a tea light, a sprig of rosemary from the front yard, a stick of incense, old spells to cleanse and I wrote a new prayer/spell.

I headed out to the back porch. When I grabbed the rosemary from the front yard, I noticed it was raining, so I planned my prayer to take place on the back porch. There was a terracotta plant dish out there that I use for burning things in out there and while I had originally intended to take it under the open sky, the rain changed my plans.

I felt pleased as I gathered everything together. This felt good and felt right – like it was exactly what I was needing to do now. I smiled. It WAS good.

Whenever I do a prayer I take some time before hand to write out my prayer. I forget things if I don’t. Plus, one of my favorite ways to send my prayers to the gods is via fire, which is best done with paper. So I wrote out what was on my mind and what I was hoping to see happen over the next couple of weeks. I dug out my special sacred stationary and an envelope. I wrote of joy and resolution, of not carrying things into the future, and of relaxation. I could use a little down time – things have been far too exciting recently, and not in the best of ways. So just looking for a little reprieve and simple joys. And maybe a cookie. I folded up my prayer and put it in it’s envelope and then placed supporting runes on the envelope.

When I headed out to do my prayer, I noticed a Black Widow nearby on some pots. And I forgot my sprig of rosemary. So when I went to get the rosemary, I grabbed my camera, too – it’s my natural response to interesting bugs. But I knew that this prayer on this night with that Black Widow was all leading to something.

I started my prayer with a cleansing. I’d brought the other pages from my altar with me and said a prayer of cleansing and burned them using the tea light and placing them in the terracotta pot dish. That done, I opened my prayer that I had written, said a dedication to the gods, and read my prayer to them. When I was done, I placed the paper back in the envelope, sealed it, and lit it on fire as well, sending it to the gods. I placed the rosemary and incense on top and waited in meditation until they had burned out. I said my thank yous, a blessing for the world, and concluded my prayer.

So then I thought about the Black Widow, who had been waiting for me outside. Black Widows are dangerous, so I asked my fiance to move it to the edge of the yard to go find another home and looked up the Black Widow. Being a black spider, and it being Moon Dark, I knew I was being drawn into mystery, magic, and creation. I read up about Spiders and remembered Spider’s lesson – that we weave our own webs. Immediately, without even having said my prayer, I had already gotten a message back from the gods. Embrace my creativity. Head into mystery. Turn inwards and see what web I want to weave. Go straight for my goals, don’t go around in circles. Clean my life of everything toxic. Basically, get ready for some creative growth.

We’ll see about the other stuff later.

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.