• Solstice and Other Holidays

    Solstice and Other Holidays

    Welcome to the end of the year and Happy Solstice! Today I want to talk about the Solstice, what it is, and various ways to celebrate it. Plus, I ramble about time and how hard this year has been and what I’ve been working on behind the scenes!

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  • Biden’s Election + Empathy

    Biden’s Election + Empathy

    Today is November 7th, 2020, and I want to talk about the election of President Elect Joe Biden, Jr. and Empathy in society. It’s a lot. We’re having a lot of feelings and lot of people are yelling about a lot of things out there. So I want to talk too, but less yelling. Also,…

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  • It’s a Trap!

    It’s a Trap!

    I was editing that last episode at a WEIRD time! While I was editing it, the announcement that Trump was diagnosed with COVID came out and I either did that podcast a little too early or a little too late. So  now I want to talk about the reaction to people reacting to the Trump-COVID…

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  • Get Up, Stand Up

    Get Up, Stand Up

    Hey Folks, so today let’s talk about community. Little communities, like our Pagan and Witchy community, and also BIG communities, like America and Society in general. We’re going to talk about social justice, politics, current events, Ruth Bader Ginsberg (I say “RGB” but I know it’s “RBG”), Christian Dominionism, the Christian Default, the Satanic Temple,…

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  • Stress, WitchTok, Comet, Holiday Planning and More!

    Stress, WitchTok, Comet, Holiday Planning and More!

    Whoops! This podcast episode came out back on July 22nd, 2020, but it looks like I forgot to post it here, so… here it is! Hi Folks! Today we’re kind of catching up! There’s a LOT going on in the world, so let’s talk about it! In this episode I talk about a lot of…

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  • National Wellness Month – Week 2

    National Wellness Month – Week 2

    We got through National Wellness Month’s first week and we’re getting ready for week 2! Or at least, *I* am getting ready for week 2. To be 100% honest with y’all, I did not do great on week one. Like I mentioned previously, the stress of everything is a lot and it’s been so hard…

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  • Welcome to National Wellness Month!

    Welcome to National Wellness Month!

    August is National Wellness month! Live Love Spa proclaimed August as National Wellness Month in 2018 and the folks at National Day Calendar have accepted it’s registration and so now here we are, focusing on wellness (in case you wondered how that happens)! And I think it’s fantastic idea – especially right now, in the…

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  • What I’m Working On Right Now

    What I’m Working On Right Now

    So, I’m trying to remember to post updates to my website more often – I usually touch in over on YouTube or via Podcast or just Social media, but I’m trying to get away from that so much and really focus things on my website more. So, the last few weeks since the start of…

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  • Wheels Keep Turning, World Keeps Burning

    Wheels Keep Turning, World Keeps Burning

    Happy Midsummer, everyone! A few days late, to be sure, but here we are! Midsummer slipped by once again, which has become the usual anymore. My hunny’s birthday is June 30th, so I always end up forgetting about Midsummer as a result. It’s always so weird that we have Summer Solstice, which is modernly (not…

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  • Black Lives Matter + Social Justice

    Black Lives Matter + Social Justice

    As if a global pandemic wasn’t enough to have going on, as if the murder hornets weren’t enough, the trend of murders by police have been continuing, escalating, and demanding attention. So let’s talk about #BlackLivesMatter, social justice, and how MUCH these conversations and activism really matter in the spiritual and witchcraft communities, what we…

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