Goodbye, Facebook!
Hey, folks! If you’ve been following me over on my Facebook page, you may have noticed that I’ve been silent for the last couple weeks – and that’s true! I’ve been working on getting off Facebook for the last year or so and have been talking about it a lot more the last couple months,…
An Overview of the Basic Psychic Skillset
I’ve been having a lot of conversations lately with people about the confusion around what psychics are and what they aren’t. Some people think that “psychic” only refers to telling the future in some way, while a lot of card readers think they aren’t psychic, and that they only read cards. So when we’re discussing…
Cleansing Essentials
Howdy, folks! Today I want to talk a bit about cleansing! I know it might seem basic to some folks, but sometimes cleansing is treated like a cure-all and gets over-used or used all on it’s own, and I wanted to talk about it a little bit. We’ll be discussing when to cleanse and when…
My Background, My Bias
A little bit rambly today. I want to talk about what’s been percolating in my mind the last couple weeks, what I have been kind of working on, and then I want to talk about how I grew up and what my spiritual/witchy background is because I think it’s really important to help understand what…
There’s Something About Starseeds
Hey guys! Today I want to talk a little bit about STARSEEDS – the basic idea behind the concept and how this plays out in real life. I love theory as much as the next person, but all the theory in the world doesn’t matter nearly as much as what happens in real life. In…
Box of Chocolates – Podcast Episode with Night Shayde
Hey, guys! This is the one and only episode of Box of Chocolates with Night Shayde! This was an experiment towards a possible new podcast that I have decided not to go forward with due to this current pandemic, some current health issues, and because of coming off We Witches Three so recently (not quite…
It was a good run, but it’s over now.
The notices went out on social media – Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at the beginning of March, but in case you didn’t hear, I left the We Witches Three podcast over some in-fighting, differences of opinion, and good old silent treatment back at the beginning of March. My original notification on social media was a…