Category: CrowSong News
Love and Light/Thoughts and Prayers
I found myself chuckling bitterly at Twitter today when I saw someone commenting “thoughts and prayers” in reply to a news story about proper comeuppance. It’s ironic and bitter and appropriate that this phrase has become so clearly UNsympathetic when it’s the only thing offered by a large section of the populace in regards to…
What’s New in CrowSong Lodge?
Well, hello there, friends! Pull up a pillow and some refreshments and let’s catch up! So… yes! The last time we spoke, I was getting ready to head to Readerfest! That was a crazy time….. For anyone who DID go to Readerfest and who did not see on social media that I was NOT going…
6-25-17: Tarot: Beyond Basics – Live Class in Casa Grande!
So, Sunday I taught the second Intro to Tarot class at The ApotheCraft shop located here in Casa Grande, Arizona. Have I mentioned how AMAZING Michele and lee and their shop is!? It’s beautiful and incredible! It has such a good energy and it’s a beautiful, calm, relaxing atmosphere where I feel completely at peace…
Wow, It’s a New Year!
Wow, how time travels by so fast! It’s amazing that anything gets done around here, especially with my nose constantly in Facebook. It’s getting to be a bad habit. I am currently VERY busy – those of you who know me know that I am working 4 businesses right now – Shamanism, Photography, Altered Couture,…
The Shadow Self per Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D.
I’m reading a wonderful book of women’s magic by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D. called “Women Who Run With the Wolves”. I’m loving it so far. Dr. Estes has collected many stories from all around the globe, some familiar and some not, and included them in her book along with an analysis (she’s a Jungian Psychoanalyst)…
TEDTalk: Vultures
Learn about the role of the Vulture in the ecology of our world and how endangered this precious animal is.