Category: Environment
Going Green – What it Can Do For You
Right now we’re experiencing a HUGE push to ‘go green’ – or minimize our impact on our planet. This includes things like using reusable water bottles instead of disposable ones, composting your organic materials at home, and buying local products over imported products. Since going green is all about saving our environment, other than a…
What Portals Can Do For You
Doors, doorways, archways, hallways, and gates are all examples of different portals that we use day to day. Portals are any structure, formal or informal, that separates one space from another space and are technically considered ‘between spaces’. And, just a people, animals, and other creatures use these portals to get from one place to…
350CO2 – Let’s Save the Planet, The Economy, and Ourselves!
Okay, so, today is’s blog action day – a day for all of us to share what we know about the planet, conserving resources, and reversing/reducing any damage we have done to the environment. This is very important because, so far, we only have the one planet to live on! Additionally, those of us…