Category: Reading Tarot
Is Fear Keeping You From a Life You Love?
If you don’t already love your life, you know that something needs to change. You may even have an idea about what. But could fear be the reason you haven’t changed it yet? Change can be very scary. We already know what our lives are like the way they are right now. It’s safe, it’s…
Tarot for Business Advice
Okay, today I’m going to explore what I can do to attract more customers. I have a couple of ideas, but I would like my days to be better filled – so I’m going to take some of my own medicine and ask my medicine cards where I should focus my energy RIGHT NOW to…
So, this blog space has been purposed and re-purposed again and again as I can’t quite decide what to do with it. Today, I decided that this is going to be my personal whiteboard. Where I do my thinking, learning, and growing and those of you who run across this blog are welcome to contribute…
The Fool – What We Can Learn
The Fool is one of the most iconic cards in the tarot and often the illustration of The Fool in a tarot deck sets the tone for the entire deck of cards. Often, the Fool is considered the main character in the story of the Major Arcana – he (or she!) represents all of us…
What We Can Learn From The Hierophant
The Hierophant card is one that I’ve long had an uneasy relationship with. I really, really want to like this card, but for some reason, I just don’t. And that’s pretty normal – we all have cards in the deck that, at first, we dislike or that sit uneasily with us until over time we…
Numerology, Tarot Readings, and Free Will
A lot of numerologists and tarot readers claim to reveal the future through their tarot readings. They seem so certain of what will happen that it no longer seems like you have a choice in the matter. So, what about free will, then? Tarot readings and numerology, and other divination methods as well, reveal inclinations…
Why ‘Is he/she the one?’ Isn’t a Simple Question
In all my experience as a tarot reader, ‘Is he/she the one?’ is the question I’m asked most often and the trickiest one to answer. While the answer is a simple yes/no, the delivery is crucial. As a psychic advisor, the words I choose may well effect decisions people make with their lives. What people…
Valentine’s Day Special – All Month Long!
So, in honor of Valentine’s Day, I’m offering a sale on Numerology compatibility reports. Usually $20 per couple, for the month of February, I’m offering each one for only $14 per couple! And, because I hate buying things without seeing a sample first, I’m going to include the compatibility report for my fiance and I…
The Tarot and You – Am I Doing it Right?
I read this post over at LLewellyn about interpreting tarot cards from deck to deck. It’s an excellent article and very thought provoking. In it, the author discusses a bit about the intent of a tarot deck, the role of intuition, and the role of study in readying and interpreting tarot cards and specifically asks…
How I Learned to Read Tarot From My Mother
So, a good friend of mine, Charles Divine, suggested that I blog about learning to read tarot from my mother. I thought it was an excellent idea, but would make a pretty boring essay on here, so I decided that I would Vlog it instead. Here it is! And this is my beautiful mother and…