Category: My Life
As You Advance, How to Find a Teacher
They say that as you need teachers in your life, they appear. What they forget to mention, though, is that over time your teachers change. When you’re first learning, spotting your teachers can be a lot easier and they tend to be a lot more formal as well. Your grandmother, mother, grandfather… your priest or…
I Like You Just the Way You Are
So, I was watching TV tonight and one of the characters said “I like you just the way you are.” to one of the other characters and my first reaction was to think how sweet it was and how it was that very attribute that made that particular character so endearing – he really did…
Compatibility Reports
With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, ’tis the season for compatibility reports of all kinds! Numerology, astrology, psychic, tarot, tea leaves – you name it! But what is a compatibility report, what is it supposed to do, and what should you do with it? Compatibility reports are a LOT of things, but the one…
Wandering Off Your Path Isn’t All That Bad
One of the BIGGEST questions a lot of spiritual students – and especially me! – ask is ‘am I on my right path?’ We’re so focused on doing things right and on ‘passing’ that we often forget that a big part of the process is doing things wrong. When I was younger, my friends and…
New Year’s Update
OMG – so, December is always SOOOO busy-busy! I’ve been practicing belly dance so much this last month and am absolutely loving it! It actually is making me feel a live again and I’ve noticed that once again, my style is ‘maturing’ and at-home-practice is becoming much more fun. I can tell I’m in better…
So, I’m finally starting to come to terms with the idea that I might be an artist – I’ve even started putting it down as my profession on forms and the like! I spend my days doing tarot reading, listening to belly dance music, and crafting/creating. Everyday I feel more like I’m bringing the physical-reality-me…
The Tarot and You – Am I Doing it Right?
I read this post over at LLewellyn about interpreting tarot cards from deck to deck. It’s an excellent article and very thought provoking. In it, the author discusses a bit about the intent of a tarot deck, the role of intuition, and the role of study in readying and interpreting tarot cards and specifically asks…
Guest Post from Jennifer Weaver on Religion
I don’t share it very often, but with posting my YouTube videos, Religion and perspectives on it, against it, and for it have occupied a significant portion of my energy – and it seems more and more that people aren’t interested in a dialogue, but more into just spouting off what they think. Today, my…
350CO2 – Let’s Save the Planet, The Economy, and Ourselves!
Okay, so, today is’s blog action day – a day for all of us to share what we know about the planet, conserving resources, and reversing/reducing any damage we have done to the environment. This is very important because, so far, we only have the one planet to live on! Additionally, those of us…
Indiana Jones – A Metaphor for Life
So, this metaphor just occurred to me and I kinda liked it, so I thought I would share. We’ve all seen (if you haven’t, go ahead, I’ll wait) the Indiana Jones scene where they’re racing down mining tracks in mine carts. That’s the way life is to me. You’re going forward in time and you…