Cleansing Powers of Water

Hamed Saber
Photo by: Hamed Saber

Cleansing is an important part of spirituality. Acknowledging that the world is made of energy and knowing that some are out of balance or negative and others are of balance or positive, we also acknowledge that sometimes we encounter energies that aren’t completely desirable. Since objects and people intermingle and exchange energy when in proximity to each other, it’s only natural to understand that sometimes our energies intermingle with energies that are going to be negative and unwanted. So, what do we do about this? We use cleansing rituals and practices to purify our energy so that negativity doesn’t effect us.

Negative energies can have several ill effects in our life, including draining our own positive energy, causing negative feelings, both physical and spiritual, diminishing our health, or completely polarizing our own energy, causing it to be negative, and, in turn, attracting negative experiences and more negative energy. Negative energy can be cause of bad experiences, such as a negative workplace or a sour romance, to just a negative state of mind and approach to life. As such, it’s important for us to maintain the positive energy that we have and keep things cleansed that we share energies with. Especially important to keep cleansed are those objects with with we do energy work with, such as gemstones, amulets, candles, etc.

Cleansing with Water

All of the elements have methods for cleansing objects, people, and places and knowing when to use each element is important. We’ll discuss the other elements in later posts.

One of my favorite methods of cleansing energy is clean running water. Water has long had cleansing properties and carries energy with it very easily. Any physical object that wouldn’t otherwise be harmed by water can be held under a cool, clean running tap and cleansed. It’s important when holding this object that you do not interfere with the pathway of the water – that is to say that you are holding the object by its sides with as few fingers as possible and avoid blocking the top or the bottom of the object. Cleansing can take a few seconds to several minutes and it’s up to your eyes and intuition to know when the object is cleansed, so it is wise to embrace a somewhat meditative state.

This is also a wonderful way to cleanse the self. Most of us take frequent showers which is the perfect opportunity to add a little oomph to our physical cleansings and bring them to the level of spiritual cleansings as well. Most of us in the shower are busy thinking about our day – either the upcoming or the past – and sort of wallowing in whatever energy we’re already in. For a cleansing, you should clear your mind and achieve a semi-meditative state (not fully meditative lest you slip and fall) and visualize the water carrying away the negative energy off your astral or spiritual body, away from the physical body, and down the drain into the earth where it will itself be cleansed and transformed. This daily practice can keep us cleansed from any negative we may pick up during the day or generate ourselves so we can stay positive and forward moving.

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.