Cleansing Your Stones

(The below post is an excerpt from my free eBook “Stone Magick”)

Cleansing an object, including your stones, removes from them the temporary energy that they pick up throughout the day and their various interactions. If you were to have a terrible, awful day at work and your obsidian stone were on you at the time, it would be diverting that grouchy, grumpy, awful energy from you and to itself instead. At this point, you’ll want to give it a good cleansing to remove that grumpy energy (while leaving the stone’s inherent energy in place). 

Image by artyangle at Pixabay

Some stones are really great to “program” or to assign a specific purpose or task to and cleansing is a great way to remove that assignment so you can reassign that stone to another purpose.

Stones aren’t the only things that we cleanse, but it’s what we’re going to discuss. 


If you’ve been hearing about people putting their crystals out under a full moon, this is what they’re talking about. It is debated whether the light of the full moon cleanses stones or charges them, but the light of the full moon has the advantage of doing both simultaneously. Stones should be placed in the light of the moon for as long as possible, but at the very least, in the open air (not in a closed box) for the duration of the night or as long as possible. They do not need to be protected from the sunlight, as sunlight can ALSO be used to cleanse and charge your stones.


Like with moonlight, sunlight can also be used to charge and cleanse your stones simultaneously. Just place your stones in the sunlight, directly in the sun if possible, but indirect sunlight is effective as well (again, not in a closed box). Several hours should do the trick, and as you work with your stones, you’ll become more and more sensitive to exactly when and how clean you want your stones to be. (Avoid this technique with: Amethyst, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Calcite, Celestine, Citrine, Fluorite, Jade, Jet, Kunzite, Lapis, Malachite, Quartz, Sapphire, Sodalite, Topaz, and Tourmaline).


Salt has been a sacred material and cleanser of all things since all of humanity (if you’ve seen Supernatural the TV show, you know to GET THE SALT!). This is true for stones as well! All you need to do is to bury your stone in salt. This is usually easiest by pouring your salt in a bowl or jar and tucking your stone down into it. Let it set in the salt for a few hours or until you can sense the stone feels better. (Avoid this technique with: Angelite, Azurite, Calcite, Carnelian, Hematite, Jet, Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Lepidolite, Malachite, Moldavite, Moonstone, Pyrite, Selenite, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz). 

Amethyst Druzy/Cluster

Photo by Jasmin777 at Pixabay

An Amethyst Druzy or Cluster can be a great way to cleanse your stones! I don’t see this discussed very often anymore, but this has always been one of my favorites that my mother taught me when I was little. Druzies are a cluster of crystals that all form connected together on a surface together, and are most commonly found on the inside of geodes. Placing your stone on top of an amethyst druzy is a great quick and easy way to cleanse them and is good for all stones – you’ll want to make sure that the entire stone fits onto the druzy. Twenty-four hours is a sufficient time period for most stones, though, as always, you will come to be able to tell when a stone is cleansed through your own sensitivity. 

Sound Cleansing

Sounds are a wonderful way to cleanse anything, really, so that includes our stones, too. You may see people approaching this technique with a tuning fork or a singing bowl, which are both fantastic ways to do this, but they aren’t necessary. The way this technique works is through the power of vibration, and sound is wholly created through vibration. As such, any sound will do! I recommend turning on your favorite, happy-making music and turn the volume up enough to feel it in your body! Cleanse yourself WITH your stone and lift your mood while you’re at it! Lacking all other sources, you can also use this technique with your voice – run through your vocal register until you can feel the vibration in your body and then repeat that sound with your stone close to your mouth and a minute of combined vibration should be plenty to get the job done. 

Running Water

This is another of my favorite methods to cleanse stones that I have been using since my youth, and can be very effective to use on the go. While we usually think of streams, rivers, and the oceans, this can include faucet water, too! Just place the stone in the water and allow the water to rush over the stone, preferably lengthwise (if your stone has a length) for a minute or two and then you’re all set. (Avoid this method for: Angelite, Calcite, Carnelian, Celestite, Galena, Halite, Hematite, Labradorite, Lepidolite, Lodestones, Malachite, Mica, Moldavite, Muscovite, Obsidian, Opals, Pearl, Pyrite, Sandstone, Limestone, Selenite, Turquoise).

Your Breath

Our simple breath is easily overlooked as cleansing method, but it is another convenient method that is safe for all minerals and stones. Simply hold the stone in your hand or hands, settle your mind, take a deep breath in through your nose, and blow it back out through your mouth onto the stone. Repeat three or more times, as you feel is necessary. 

Smoke Cleansing

Photo by 4174332 at Pixabay

Smoke Cleansing, commonly erroneously referred to as “smudging,” is another great way to cleanse any object. For this method, you will light your incense or herbs with the intent that they are a cleansing positive force (some people like to add a blessing or prayer to this), and then pass your stones through the smoke several times. If your stone is very large, it may be easier to move the burning incense/herbs around the stone instead, but please mind your fire safety. You do NOT want to set your burning incense or herbs on your stone or touch your stone with them.

This is not a comprehensive list, but just some of the easier and more common methods out there! And if you want to read more about using stones in magic and energy work, sign up for my mailing list to get my free eBook!

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.