Complaining About the Weather

Photo by Educated Savage

I decided to quit complaining about the weather.

It seems like a small thing but sometimes small things make all the difference.

Sure, it’s pretty hot out here. I’m in the wilds of the Arizona desert in the 110° and 48% humidity. I’ve got it pretty easy though. I spend my days in 76° air-conditioning and when I go out I drive around my air-conditioned car. I can handle the 2 minutes it takes to walk from my car into the store.

There are people out there who are living in places where it gets to be 140° and 150° and that’s not just in summer. There are people who are serving in our Armed Forces and who are out there in that weather wearing combat fatigues, carrying 70 pounds of gear, and going days and weeks without showers. I’ve got it easy.

It’s a funny thing – as human beings we tend to bond over complaining. We complain about this and we complain about that and we one-up each other. Whose got the worst story and the worst experience?

When people share positive experiences, we tend to view their sharing as putting us down, not honoring our experiences, or rubbing our noses in it. Why aren’t we simply happy for our fellow human being who is having good experience? Who is accomplishing something and experiencing success? Why do we consider those people snobs or above us or looking down their noses at us and or any other number of things? What is it about our experiences as human beings that makes it so we can only bond with each other over negative experiences instead of positive experiences?

I think we should stop. I think we should actively seek to bond with each other over positive experiences and as we share those positive experiences we can bond further by sharing how we came to have those positive experiences. And we can share how we achieved that success and reach down and pull our fellow man up so they can experience the same kind of success that we do.

Now, I’m not talking about people who share their experiences in an effort to reach out and prove that they’re not alone, who need the comfort of other human beings for healing. Those aren’t the people I’m talking about.

And I’m not talking about the effects of global warming, either. That needs to be discussed and people need to be educated.

But the weather is just the weather and no matter what the weather is, everyone is complaining about it.

I’m going to quit complaining about the weather and I invite you to join me.

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.
