Coping With Fox – A Taste of My Own Medicine

Okay, I’ll admit it: I have trouble tooting my own horn. Sure, it may not look like it from the other posts here, but telling people I know stuff and can help them is hard for me to do. Especially as all my life, people have just naturally told me their life stories and asked for advice. Could my totem be behind these shenanigans?

Photo by: Yvonne in Willowick Ohio

Well, Fox is my personal totem – the totem that I will have my whole life. It contributes to my strengths AND my weaknesses and is something that I need to strive for balance in that I will revisit frequently throughout my life. What is Fox medicine? Invisibility!

Well, there you have it. You can’t shine.

Okay, as a child, I loved this totem (without even knowing it). I was incredibly shy. Remember when the teacher used to ask a question and then scan the classroom for someone to call on? You would think “Not me, not me, not me….” and inevitably the teacher would pick you. Well, that didn’t happen to me. I thought “Not me, not me, not me….” and was never called on. When the bullies in the class looked for a target, I was overlooked. Sure, I wasn’t popular and only had one friend, but nothing BAD ever happened. Even later in life when I was still working in an office this worked for me.  When singling people out or looking for someone to criticize, eyes would just pass me by without registering. On the downside, even though I had bells woven into my hair, I would still sneak up on people and startle them. I am still at a loss for what else I could have done to let them know I was coming (okay, that’s not the reason for the bells, but come on!).

Wait, back that up!

The downside isn’t that I can’t shine. No way, no how. It just means that I tend to blend in. Here’s the kicker – Fox is the solution to Fox’s own medicine. Most totems are like that but they can also be solved by calling in another totem (referred to as ‘shape-shifting’). You see, when Fox can’t ambush his prey, he charms it. He performs acrobatic feats and chases his own tail, playing the way Fox cubs do. Their prey is so charmed and/or confused that it fails to realize that in all this playfulness, Fox has steadily moved towards it. And by then, it’s already too late.

So if I want to really get out there and get noticed, I need to let my hair down and have a little fun and invite people to have fun with me. I’m sure you noticed that this post isn’t as ‘academic’ as others – expect to see more of these. I want to sit down, have a cup of tea, have a heart-to-heart and just play. And if that means embracing Fox and Coyote (yeah, I really go for it and call in Coyote when I’m not having enough fun – more on that later) and poking a little fun at my own faults and foibles, then so be it. At least I’ll be amused

Wait! One last thing!

Oh, right. So where’s the fun? I’m happy to announce the arrival of “Dear Fae”! Once a week, I’ll be answering questions about totems on my blog – what they are, how to use them, and which ones to call on. Having a problem at work? Let me know! Your teenage daughter keeps doing that THING that you hate? I want to hear it! Wish you were more X? I can do that too! These aren’t going to be readings and they aren’t going to be all that personal, but they will be practical, helpful, and a little fun. So come play with me!

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.
