Hi everyone! So today I have an article from a good friend of mine, Azzrian Visions. Azz is a wonderful Spiritual Advisor and you can learn more about her by visiting her site here.
Photo by Vienze Ziction
I’m sure many of you have heard the saying along the lines of a true friend is the one who will help you bury a body.
Yeah its a dark way of looking at it but for me it has always rung true.
Its obviously not really about burying a body in the literal sense but indicative of a person you can count on, go to in your darkest hours and lean on.
Well for some reason it came to me today that I had it all wrong, many of us do!
Everything is in perspective and by looking at it in those terms what we are saying is that we are looking for someone who will be there for us which is passive.
We need to look at friendship, loved ones, even lovers in the sense of who we would be there for!
Instead of asking “would this person help me bury a body?”
We need to ask of ourselves if we would help them bury a body!
The fact is that trust is the number one ingredient in any relationship.
Would you trust someone enough not to turn on you?
Would you trust someone enough that you would not turn on them?
You see it has to be a two way street and so often we ask what can others do for us without considering if we would do the same for them, no questions asked!
Yes we want all our relationships to be a give and take, and all too often many of my clients are doing most of the giving, at least they think they are. I am guilty of this as well so I am by no means pointing fingers!
However the real question lies in if we expect this amount of trust and anticipate it are we also willing to give it back?
When we question things such as a person’s loyalty devotion, faithfulness, etc we are in fact truly only questioning our own belief in them and therefor already breaking the unspoken rules of the relationship. This is a good sign that you in-fact would not help a person “bury the body” no questions asked! You would have to pause and think about the potential obstacles, punishments, the possible repercussions! So how can we then ask this of the other person?
Trust is very much a two way street but it has to run in the same direction – it has to be a one-way two way street where you are motoring side by side.
When I have said in the past about a true friend of mine that comes to mind that she would be there to help me “bury a body” I have always known deep down that she would do so no questions asked and that we know each other well enough to know if we did have a body to bury there would be a very qualified reason for it! There would be no questions, well perhaps after the fact that the “deed’ was done, or perhaps in retrospect but at the time of need that person would be there regardless of repercussions, potential down sides, etc. and I would absolutely do the same in return! Why? Because through out knowing this person I know for certain with no question in my mind that she has good judgement, is a good true person, is considerate not to ask for more than she is willing to give, has been giving as much as taking, would never do anything out of the ordinary without extreme reasoning, and I trust her!
If you cannot say this about someone in your life perhaps you need to step back and ask yourself what the value of this friendship, partnership, love relationship or family situation is. No, not all people in our lives need to be qualified at this level of trust and not every one we have a friendship with need be this person in our lives, yet we all should have one and we all should strive for this level and quality of people to put in our life paths! This rings especially true if considering marriage or even a long term relationship and commitment with a person!
Can you trust yourself to place so much trust in another?
Perhaps it is not the person that may be coming to your mind right now that is not trustworthy but perhaps it is your own view of them or lack of ability to place trust in another. Maybe you simply do not know them as well as you should before placing your life in their hands because when we consider a life time partnership with someone, be that in business, friendship or a lover, we should be able to help them bury the body!
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.