Guest Post: Lessons in Love from the Tarot: 3 Cards that Will Change the Way You Look at Love

By: Angela Kaufman, Certified Professional Tarot Reader, LCSW.
Have you ever found yourself confused over how much to “give in” to others in relationships? Perhaps your life is going along as planned until a new romance develops, and you slowly find yourself chipping away at your dreams to accommodate your partner. Do you get stumped when it comes to compromise, fearing that loss of control will ensue if you let your partner get too close? I have helped women understand their love traps through psychic Tarot readings, and here are a few of the major lessons I have learned from my own experience and through years of psychic readings for others.

A Lesson from the Lovers

The Lovers from the Shadowscapes Tarot
The Lovers from the Shadowscapes Tarot

The Lover’s card teaches us that true love is about maintaining the balance between individual and couple. This takes ongoing care and mindfulness even in the best scenarios. Modern women have been taught to compete in a man’s world by working harder just to keep up. We have broken through barriers in many ways, but when it comes to relationships and family, many women have traded traditional roles of caretaking and nurturing, for a liberated role of managing, leading, succeeding….and caretaking and nurturing. We haven’t walked out of the home for the workplace, we have taken on dual careers of nurturer and earner. Numerous Tarot readings that I have done for women exploring relationships have elicited common and patterns that undermine relationships as well as the attitudes, beliefs and fears that accompany them. A common habit of successful, independent women, is the tendency to nurture others’ needs while not nurturing herself. Whether this is a byproduct of the instinct to nurture, the fear of being responsible for others, or even the drive to demonstrate equality to men (work harder to break even in many cases) the end result is often the same. Women take on their share of the relationship, and more, which can alter the energy of both the relationship, and the individuals comprising it. Therefore the lesson of the Lovers’ Card becomes distorted, and instead of honoring individuality and uniting in love, fear becomes the cement that holds the relationship together….for a while.

A Lesson from the Tower

The Tower from the Shadowscapes Tarot Deck
The Tower from the Shadowscapes Tarot Deck

The Tower is the catalyst for dramatic change, often in the form of crisis. It is our change agent and liberator. If you are stuck in relationships and can’t seem to make progress in your search for love, perhaps it is time to break free from the stereotype of what you envision true love has to look like. The Tower helps us to break free from our own mental prisons, but the process of liberation is often a dramatic one. Abrupt and unexpected change can make it feel like you are losing control, but surrendering to the process can also awaken you to new, better opportunities. So many women have come to me for readings feeling devastated because what they believed to be their “last chance” at love did not work out. They blame themselves, question whether they are doomed to be alone, or even if they are cursed. Rather than focusing on the negative, it is important to remember the growing process is at work and look toward the future with greater wisdom having loved and lost. After all, how many times in the past has a loss felt like the end of the world, only to truly bring the dawning of a new, better day?
So much has changed over the centuries, and we ladies inhabit a very different world from our grandmothers, mothers, or even our older sisters! Average life expectancy has doubled, the definition of romantic partnership has become more eclectic, and individuals have never had such role flexibility and opportunities for expression of their desires. Social Media has made it easier to meet people, but harder to connect. We ladies have more confidence to reach an unlimited potential, but still feel responsible for others. Still we have clung tightly to the concept of romantic partnerships as a limited opportunity, a going out of business sale that no one wants to miss. It is for this reason that I refer to myself as a “21st Century Relationship Psychic”. My services focus on bringing harmony and healing to women navigating the complex world of love and relationships without the self limiting stereotype of what a relationship “should” look like.

A Lesson from the Hanged Man

The Hanged Man from the Shadowscapes Tarot Deck
The Hanged Man from the Shadowscapes Tarot Deck

The Hanged Man teaches power through acceptance and introspection. Perhaps you have had numerous relationships in the past that all seem to flat line around the same issues. Maybe you moved on from one relationship swearing off the drama that went with that person, only to find yourself in a new relationship with a new person and repeating the same old mistakes, heartaches and problems you thought were history. These are Hanged Man moments, things aren’t going your way, and trying harder doesn’t seem to change anything. It is because you are trying to move on and make improvements with the same old roles, rules, and tools that didn’t work last time. In recovery circles this would be called “insanity; doing the same things over and over and expecting different results”. In relationships this habit can haunt women for a lifetime. The Hanged Man’s lesson is to suspend action, spend time searching within, and arrive at a different perspective. By hanging upside down he is unable to move, but able to see the world from a different angle. If your love life feels like “Groundhog’s Day” perhaps it is time to stop, evaluate, listen, let go and look at things from a different point of view.
If you are open to guidance for your own growth and development, or curious about the best ways to nurture a relationship, if doubts from the past or continued patterns of sabotage follow you from relationship to relationship, visit and sign up for my free audio program, 3 Biggest Reasons Independent Professional Women are NOT Finding the Love They Want.

Moonlight Tarot LLC is also excited to announce a new one of a kind, Psychic Relationship Coaching Program designed specifically for independent single, professional women who are ready to let go of the past and awaken love in the future. This service will be available to the public in winter of 2014. Contact me at for details and to reserve a spot as enrollment is limited.

Angela Kaufman
Angela Kaufman

Angela Kaufman is your 21st Century Relationship Psychic. She has devoted many years to study of spiritual and personal development and is credentialed as a Social Worker, Tarot Reader, Intuitive Consultant, Psychic Medium, Reiki Practitioner and Ordained Minister.

Angela uses her connection to Spirit to empower modern women. She wants to help you stop the vicious cycle of dead end relationships with a free gift The 3 Biggest Reasons Single, Professional, Independent Women are NOT Finding the Love They Want at

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.