Alright, witches….
…and psychics, pagans, new agers, and other alternative energy types! SO sorry if you’ve gotten a million updates in your email boxes from all the updates I’ve been doing around here, I think I’ve managed to get that turned off!
I’m BACK! If you’ve
been around Instagram or Threads, you may have already noticed (if not, it’s okay, babes, it’s a busy internet and I’m pretty good at being invisible, no hard feelings).
Last time we left off, I was rethinking life. I mean, I’m ALWAYS thinking about life, that never really stops, but I needed to take a good long hard look at it. My besties had just turned on me, I lost my entire support network, there was a giant plague going around, I had just gotten a medical diagnosis that explained EVERYTHING from the last 20 years (and surprisingly, it actually wasn’t anxiety, go figure?), and since remote work was here to stay, I thought I’d give my day passion a shot again – software engineering!
I really do love it. AND I heard that tech culture had gotten SO MUCH better! But, if y’all hadn’t noticed, society has done some major backsliding over the last few years in general (just look at Roe vs Wade) and that has taken the tech community with it. It’s still better than it was in the mid-90s, but it’s VERY QUICKLY trying to get back there and then make up for lost time. Anyways, I can’t live ENTIRELY in that world anymore and there’s no reason for me to be just one thing – which I THINK was my problem before.
If you’re gonna be a witch, you have to only be a witch, if you’re going to be a tarot reader, you have to only be a tarot reader, if you’re going to be a dancer, you have to only be a dancer, if you’re going to be a photographer, you have to only be a photographer, and if you’re going to be a software engineer or a marketer, you can only be a software engineer, and you can only be a marketer. And I don’t know about y’all, but I have never been only one thing in my whole goddamn life.
So, we’re not going to do that.
I’ve never been one to pay attention to the rules and I have no idea why the hell I started all those years ago, but I guess now I can say I gave it a shot and it just really didn’t work out for me.
So I’m back. We’re not doing rules, we’re doing what we want. And we’re going to make this happen. I’m doing a bit of software engineering, a little marketing, a little tarot (back on Keen for the moment until I get my private practice back up and running). As always, y’all are welcome to join me for the ride for the whole thing or for a little stretch or two, you can take a break and rejoin me later, no promises need to be made, and that’s fine. We’re just two randos meeting on a weird internet road and I love the company for a bit, right?
I don’t love videos, and I don’t love podcasts. So one of my first projects is to get those things transcribed and/or make them into proper articles, depending on how much I hate the transcriptions. That’s going to take a bit. There’s like… 250 of those things. That’s SO many, but we’ll work on them and see how it goes. Luckily, YouTube has a pretty decent subtitle thing that should do a chunk of the work for me. So we’ll see.
And you’ll be getting some posts from me here on the website. And I linked my social media up above for you. I’ll probably be revamping some of my older articles here, too, because when I looked them over it was some SERIOUS WTF vibes. So that needs to happen, too.
Also, I’m sure you can tell, the website isn’t done YET – it’s just going in the right direction now, I think, so definitely stay tuned. No comments for now, I don’t need those damned bots chattering at me – but if you want to say hi, hit the contact form or shoot me a message on the socials!
Talk soon —