
Photo by Hamed Saber Flickr

Initiation is an ancient and respected practice in the Pagan community. Basically, it’s an experience through which you move from one state to another, usually in a formal and somewhat public manner. For example, it is pretty common when you are accepted into a coven for there to be some kind of initiation. Those who are awaiting initiation are referred to as initiates and anyone who has not been initiated is an outsider.

But covens aren’t the only place that you’ll find initiations. As a solo practitioner, you absolutely can go through your own initiation. A common initiation that solo practitioners go through is their dedication to their patron god or goddess. During the period where you’re learning about and developing a relationship with the god or goddess you are called an initiate of that god or goddess.

Most initiations are dedications in that you are pledging your loyalty and fealty to a specific god, goddess, or coven. This includes a promise to uphold their values, respect and honor their traditions, and to keep the practice sacred.

Some initiations are more complicated, though, especially those in which you are seeking apprenticeship with a more experienced mentor. Traditions where this is common are Asatru, Hoodoo/Voodoo, Santeria, and Shamanism. These rituals sometimes include the use of mind-altering substances or willful possession by a deity or spirit and can be very transformative for the initiate as well as the other attendees.

It is also common for initiations to occur in between levels. So not only can there be an initial initiation, but also initiations as you move through the ranks of your coven or path. For instance, there are commonly 4 or 5 different levels in a Wiccan coven and you experience an initiation as you move from each level to the next.

My own initiation into shamanism was a solo, and unplanned, experience. I was doing all the Right Things – I had a good corporate job, over worked myself, and lived for the weekends. Unfortunately, this lead to a mental breakdown during which I completely lost my own identity. My initiation lasted weeks during which I went “back to basics” and studiously meditated and worked on repairing my relationship with Spirit, from which I had become almost entirely cut off. In this way, I moved through the traditional death-rebirth initiation of a shaman – having an experience where the old me had to die in order for me to rebuild and recreate a new me and bring that new me into existence.

Initiations, though, are as unique as the individual. It may be an important part of your spiritual practice, or you might never see the need for it to happen. It is entirely up to you and what you feel is most appropriate for your individual needs.

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.
