Invitation to Experiment: Mantras

Image By qthomasbower Flickr

I’ve been experimenting with mantras the last several weeks. I would like to invite you to join me. It costs nothing but concentration!

What is a mantra?

The dictionary says:

1. (originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) A word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.
2. A statement that is frequently repeated; a characteristic formula or refrain.”

So this is basically extreme concentration on a single thought. It is not necessary to go into a meditative state in order to use a mantra – as we’ve discussed before, meditation is simply a state of mind where you experience extreme concentrations, focusing on an image, a thought, a sense, your breath, etc. As such, when you are able to focus completely on your mantra, you naturally enter a meditative state.

The Power of Thought

As we’ve discussed before, thoughts are electrical impulses, and electricity is a type of energy. So you generate this energy, which then interacts with your own energy field as it moves outward. The stronger the energy current, the bigger the energetic ripple that you cause. When you’ve focused all of your thinking on one singular thought, you will send out a large wave of energy that will cause your energy field to come into resonance with the energy that you’re creating. The energy will ripple outward into the Universe and cause corresponding experiences.


This isn’t the only step in Manifestation, but it can help with the process. A lot of times we do our affirmations or visualizations and then go about our day. But we know that an important step in Manifestation is maintaining that attitude and feeling of abundance and wellness. A mantra gives you the ability to radically change your energy field and state of mind in only a couple focused moments.

Measuring Your Energy Flow

The amazing thing about using a set mantra is that your ability to focus is a reflection of how far out of or in alignment you are with that energy. I find that when I start using a mantra that is a radical shift or growth from where I am starting, it’s very hard to focus on that mantra. In fact, even though they may only be 5 words long, I’ll actually forget the mantra half way through. Or I’ll find that other thoughts become incredibly intrusive. If I go back to previously used mantras, the problem suddenly goes away. Sometimes, I can actually feel a tightness or feeling of pressure in specific chakras or meridians. This is all a reflection of what is going on in your energy. But if you persevere with your mantra, and it may not happen in one day, you will feel the energy shift, you will be able to focus better, the mantra will become clearer and stronger in your mind.

Making Your Mantra Even More Powerful

There are several ways you can make your mantras even more powerful.

  • Belief and Emotion: if you can put your belief and emotion into your mantras, they’ll become even more effective.
  • Say it Out Loud: Giving your mantras voice creates an additional vibration – sound – that will create an additional ripple of vibration and energy.
  • Write it Down: Placing ink on paper increases the amount of focus you put into your mantras, making them more effective.
  • Learn it in Another Language: Studying and learning your mantra in another language takes it to another level in your mind and engages more areas of your brain in the activity. How many languages can you learn it in?


The last mantra I used was “I open my heart to receive abundance,” and I saw an increase of loving experiences and relationships. I even received amazing compliments through friends from people I haven’t seen in over a year, and only saw one time!

My current mantra is “My energy resonates with Abundance,” and I just started using it a couple days ago. I’m experiencing a lot of resistance with this mantra, but every day it flows a little better and a little easier.

I want to invite you to join me in experimenting with mantras. If you can spend 5-10 minutes a day focused on your mantra, you will see progress. 5-10 minutes is not a lot of time. If you find yourself waiting – for an appointment, in a line, at a stop light, start repeating your mantra again. The more time and energy you put into it, the more you’ll see results. Go ahead, give it a shot and watch what happens. What do you have to lose?

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.
