This is a leap year. That means that in this year there are 366 days in this year instead of the usual 365. And that extra day happens in February. On the 29th. Tomorrow.
Okay, so that may not seem like a really huge deal, but it is one. It’s absolutely huge. That’s a whole extra day that you didn’t plan on having before and now it’s there. Right there. In tomorrow.
I know a lot of us are working tomorrow, making it seem like a normal day, but think about what you can do to make the day more special and unique. A little more magical. And a chance to savor more of the wonderful things in life. You’ve been given an extra day in the year.
So, maybe tomorrow you just don’t have time for something special, and that’s okay. Please try to do something small and magical for yourself (and magical can be simply playing with your kids more, it doesn’t have to be huge) and make your extra day a little more special. And if you can only do something really tiny, reserve another day this year (yeah, we can swap them out) and make it your extra special day. Because extra days and extra time are gifts and we should treat them as such.
I’m going to postpone my extra day and give myself an extra weekend day later. I have a deadline I’m trying to reach, but tomorrow I’m going to celebrate with music! I’m going to try to integrate music with everything I do all day long because music is just so magical!
Have a wonderful Leap Day everyone!