It’s a Trap!

I was editing that last episode at a WEIRD time! While I was editing it, the announcement that Trump was diagnosed with COVID came out and I either did that podcast a little too early or a little too late. So  now I want to talk about the reaction to people reacting to the Trump-COVID news. We talked about some of this before in previous episodes:

Sanctity of Anger: TEW – Sanctity of Anger

Forced Peace and Spiritual Bypassing in the Witchy Community: 

Essay by Mona Eltahawy, who probably says this way better than I do, “FEMINIST GIANT Does Not Wish Donald Trump Well”: 

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.