Location Numerology

Photo by: ecstaticist

I became curious tonight about city names and their effect on numerology. What effect could the city I live in have on my life – what challenges would it bring with it? Most of recognize that cities have their own personalities and driving motivations, so how do we make sure we’re in harmony with that? Well, we want a city that will share our goals and support what drives us. So let’s take a look at a couple different states and cities.


The first state I want to look at, naturally, is my own – Arizona. Arizona is a number 3 state, which indicates that this a state that really drives personal expression. Not for the faint of heart of those who like to coast, Arizona calls for creativity, self expression, and good natured. Unfortunately, being a number three also means that Arizona tends to be a little on the sensitive time and doesn’t like to be reminded of faults or failings.


The next state I want to look at is California. California is a number 7 state. A number 7 state seeks knowledge and information, wanting to explore the mysteries of life. The number 7 carries with it a a disregard for whether or not it’s liked – it’s quest for more information and experiences is more important. However, the number 7 state, too, is sensitive and is likely to withdraw away from the rest of the country when it feels threatened or criticized.

New York

I chose what I thought would be a very different state from Arizona and California and decided to look at New York. I discovered that New York is a number 3 state, just like Arizona! If I think about it, the description given above for Arizona applies just as a well to New York – and also implies that the city of New York is also a 3, being a 3 city in a 3 state means these attributes are going to be that much more distinctive and that certainly fits the impression I’ve been given of New York.

So what?

Looking at my personal chart, I can see how Arizona and I are very compatible – I have a lot of 1’s and 9’s in my chart, which are very compatible with 3’s and which share a lot of the same goals. This implies I would also be at home in New York as well. 7 (California) is also a compatible number with my chart in that I don’t have ANY 7s in my chart at all. This means that if I work at it, California could be a very balancing state for me – or I could be completely out of my element! It all depends on how much work I’m willing to put into the relationship.


Looking into more detail, I just moved out of Tucson in Arizona and I really hated it there. Looking at Tucson, we see it’s a number 2 city. 2’s are the ultimate partner – they thrive when working with others and do poorly on their own, never feeling quite up to snuff. Considering the large number of number 1 occurrences in my chart, I can see why Tucson and I didn’t quite get a long – I’m far more independent and couldn’t get into the necessary teamwork and networking that Tucson would be driven by. No wonder the city never jived with me.

The city I’m in now, Phoenix, is a number 1 city, also with strong emphasis on leadership and independence. With the large occurrence of the number 1 in my chart, my immense relief at moving becomes completely understandable. 1 never promises ease, but I should experience a great deal of harmony where I’m at now.

What if you and your city aren’t in harmony?

Since we can tell the underlying vibe of the city, and the heartbeat, from numerology, we can see what attributes and qualities to bring into your life to make your living there more harmonious. Using the example of Tucson and I, if I had concentrated on networking more and developed good working relationships with people that helped support my goals, I would have had a much easier time in Tucson. Just because I have a lot of 1s in my chart doesn’t mean I’m restricted by them – it just means my normal way of doing things wasn’t going to work in Tucson.

I found this foray into the numerology of locations very enlightening and I know the next time I move, it’s definitely something I’m going to be looking at! What are you experiences with the ‘vibes’ of different cities and states?

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.