Mindfulness – How Not to be a Zombie

d sharon pruitt
Photo by: D Sharon Pruitt

How many of us out there slog through our days going through the usual routine day in and day out? The days blur together and you can’t tell Tuesday from Wednesday because they were identical anyways. Maybe the only difference between them was what was on the tv and what we ate for dinner. If this is how things are for you, then you have fallen into zombiedom. How can you escape zombiedom and begin living your life fully again? Through mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the art and skill of keeping your mind aware of what’s going on around you. It’s being ‘in the now’. It’s noticing the texture of the sidewalk you’re stepping on and the breeze moving through the air as you walk up your driveway. Mindfulness lets you realize just when the trees started changing color and when the nights are beginning to cool down. It brings reality back and it wakes up the brain so it’s not so sleepy. Mindfulness is also key in the development of spirituality. When you’re observant of your environment, you more often notice the signs and signals that are waiting for you.

So, how do we practice mindfulness… how can we make it a habit? Well, we start with the little things.

  • At meal times, slow down and really savor what you’re eating. Take the time to chew your food properly and thoroughly and really pay attention to it.
  • Throughout your day, stop what you’re doing and take a few minutes to observe your environment with all five senses. What can you smell? What do you hear? If you need to, set a timer once every hour or two to remind you.
  • Designate times specifically to do mental activities and fully focus on them when you do. For instance, pick a time to compile your grocery list. This way, it won’t be distracting you throughout the day.
  • Change your routine. Sometimes all it takes to make us more aware is to change our daily rhythm. Maybe eat breakfast BEFORE you shower in the morning! Surprise yourself with something different!
  • Play “I Spy” – especially fun if you have a little one to play with! This will give you practice in really noticing details about your environment.

Those are just 5 suggestions and I know there are a ton more out there! What are your favorites?

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.