October Full Moon Community Candle is Lit!

I lit the Full Moon Community Candle tonight for October’s Hunter’s Moon. It’s BEAUTIFUL outside tonight and the weather is absolutely perfect. I couldn’t want for a better full moon at all.

This month, I actually took step-by-step progress pictures of the full moon candle because I’m not sure I have ever shared what-all is included here.

Step 1 – Prayers and Wishes

Through out the week leading up to the full moon, I collect wishes from folks who want to be included. Each person receives their own paper, folded in half, with their name(s) and wish listed on it. As I prepare the candle in the afternoon before lighting it, I anoint each paper with conjure oils. This month, “Crown of Success” oil and “Moon oil.” Each paper is folded in half and placed under the candle.

Step 1 Adding Wishes and Prayers

Step 2 – Names on Bay Leaves

To add some extra oomph, I write each person’s name on a bay leave and place it around the base of the candle. Like the papers, these bay leaves will be burned after the candle finishes burning.

Step 2 Names on Bay Leaves

Step 3 – Add Runes and Blessings to the Candle Itself

I grew up using runes in a lot of my spell work and prayers, so I still do this, and here, I’m infusing the candle with these specific desires and blessings – prosperity, success, strength, safety, a happy home, good health, opportunities, unforeseen gifts and windfalls, and other such things. These are written around the upper rim of the candle, and then as a spiral down around the candle, I repeat these wishes in English.

I… forgot to get a photo. Sorry!

Step 4 – Placing the Candle on the Tray and Adding the Runes

The same runes are places around the candle on the tray that it will sit on for the duration of its burning.

Step 4 Placing the Runes on the Tray

Step 5 – Adding Gemstones and Crystals to the Tray

I add an assortment of beneficial crystals to the tray as well for things such as healing, insights, opportunities, prosperity, peace, growth, and happiness.

Step 5 Adding Crystals and Gemstones to the Tray

Step 6 – Adding Oils to the Candle

In this step, I add various conjure oils to the candle itself at the top – these are broad and all-purpose. “Crown of Success,” “Blockbuster,” “Goddess of Abundance,” “Road Opener,” etc. In addition, I add “Moon Oil” – to connect with the moon!

Step 6 Adding Conjure Oils

Step 7, 8, and 9 – Add Glitter, Say Blessings/Prayers, and Light the Candle

Because I really enjoy it and colors are energy, I add blue, green, and silver biodegradable glitter to the mix, sprinkling it over the whole thing. Blue for success and serenity, green for healing, growth, and evolution, and silver for La Luna.

I sit down next to the candle, center myself, and take a moment to commune with nature, the gods, and Mama Moon and charge the candle and ask for their help and blessings.

I say thank you, and then light the candle. I watch it closely to make sure the candle is supported and burns well. When I see that it is, I clap my hands loudly three times and say thank you, and leave it to burn.

Step 9 Final Candle Happily Burning From Above
Step 9 Final Candle Happily Burning From Above

So, that’s it! I hope you enjoyed seeing the process step-by-step how we’re doing this! <3 Stay-tuned to see how we wrap this up when it’s all done burning!

The full moon is tomorrow (Wednesday) at 9:45 am Pacific USA time, so that’s why we’re starting it tonight. 😀

ETA: Tonight’s moon at 12:39am Pacific USA Time (just after midnight)

Full Moon October 24 2018 1239am by Educated Savage

<3 Nathara

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.