Parker Brothers Ouija Board

Of Ouija Boards and Tarot Cards (It’s Just Paper)

Parker Brothers Ouija Board
Parker Brothers Ouija Board

Hi guys!

It’s been a long time since I’ve written something, and, to be honest, I thought I had already written to you about this topic. It’s come back around the spiral again, so let’s take a good hard look at it.

So….Ouija Boards

If you’re in spiritual or paranormal groups on the internet, no doubt, you’ve had the Ouija Board discussion. This occurs when someone asks if you would EVER allow a board in your house. Or allow your kids to have one. Or even watch a movie with a Ouija board in it. And then you have the multitudes of people who chime in saying that they’re evil, dangerous, and a host of other things.
First, let me say – if you’re scared of Ouija Boards, don’t use one. Don’t use ANY tool that you’re afraid of using. It’s that simple. When it comes to energy work and spiritual experiences, your emotional and mental states are extremely important and will absolutely influence your experience. So if you’re not in a good place, just don’t do it. That isn’t just Ouija Boards, it includes Tarot, Runes, Crystals, Spell Casting, Cleansings, Lucid Dreaming, Hypnosis – all of it.
Secondly, Ouija Boards are JUST paper. They are cardboard with paper glued on top, ink printed onto the paper, and then a VERY thin plastic layer to make sure the ink doesn’t run and to protect the board from the oils in your hand and environment. They are NOT hand made. They are mass produced in a factory and there are no priests, good, evil, or otherwise, who bless or curse them during the process. The same goes for Tarot cards. They’re just paper, ink, and a little bit of plastic printed en masse in a factory and stored until someone buys them. No blessings, no curses, none of that. The energy that these kinds of tools acquire are NOT inherent – they STRICTLY come from the energy you put into them. If you search around the internet for what to do with a new tarot deck, you’ll see a lot of people suggesting to spend time with them or put them under your pillow or whatever. This is so that you can imbue those items with your own personal energy. You can also bless them and bring divine or other energy into them as well. But, inherently, they have no special energy that doesn’t also come with your regular, everyday office supplies. You put your energy into them and then use them as a focus. It’s all you and your energy.
Thirdly – if Ouija Boards were REALLY that dangerous, we would see legal reflections of that and they would NOT be labeled “age 8 and up.” Did you know that in several states, it is illegal to sell a “haunted” house without disclosing the haunting, the cause, and the nature thereof to the buyers? And if it turns out you were dishonest about it, you are required to refund their money, pay damages, and are now back in possession of said property. That goes to show that there have been enough issues with the haunting of homes that some states have even written laws about it. No such thing with Ouija boards. So, think about that.

Then, Intention…?

Intention, then, is the name of the game. Everything – and I mean EVERYTHING – in our environment can be put to use for divination or for crossing the border between worlds. Some are easier to use than others, but all of them rely on US to do so. Something that WE do. Think about the energy that you’re carrying and putting out into the world. If you don’t like it, then change it. And if you’re scared, that’s okay – be honest and open about it. Fear is a very powerful thing and it can cause very horrible things to happen. And it’s human and natural to be afraid. But keep things in perspective. The world is what we make of it.

What Do You Think?

I’m sure you’ve got thoughts on this! Sling them at me – contact me through my contact me page or drop a comment in the comment section. Let’s talk it out.
~ Nathara
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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.