Psychic Self Defense and Protection

Photo by: thivierr

I been doing a lot of research lately and one topic that keeps coming up is the need for psychic protection and self defense. I want to make it clear that psychic self defense and protection is really more about maintenance than it is about fending off attacks – attacks themselves are very rare and hardly ever effective. What we’re going to be looking at is energy vampirism, negative vibrations, and defense mechanisms and how to do deal with them.

Energy Vampirism

This is definitely a maintenance issue and is easily solved. Energy vampirism is pretty common in our society and is probably something you’ve engaged in yourself. This is the simple draining of energy from another person with more or more positive energy than you. Vampirism happens primarily through conversation. If you’ve ever felt drained after talking to someone, you’ve definitely experienced this phenomenon.

Negative Vibrations and Energy

Sometimes, instead of draining us of energy, we’re like sponges and we suck up the extra energy that people are putting out. We should be wary of this to begin with, but doubly so when that energy is negative. This also occurs primarily in conversation, but instead of draining your energy, your energy becomes negative or sour. If you’ve ever had a conversation with someone where you went from feeling upbeat to pessimistic, you’ve experienced this.

Defense Mechanisms

Most people are cut off from a direct source of energy and so we develop different techniques to convince other people to give us their energy. These are called ‘defense mechanisms’. They also occur primarily through conversation. Examples of defense mechanisms are pity, aloof, disdain, disapproval, and helplessness. The person wanting energy takes one of these positions in the conversation and, in an effort to change things, we give them our own energy. This is the phenomenon most likely to have been used by pretty much everyone at once point or another and sometimes are considered methods of ‘attention seeking’ – which is the same as energy seeking.


During your daily grounding, centering, and cleansing, you’re going to want to add a brief exersize to add a little protection as well. After grounding, centering, and cleansing, visualize a ball of white energy forming around you. This energy may coalesce out of the air, may flow from the sky, the earth, both, or another pathway. This energy flows from the Divine and is given freely to you. Envision this energy in motion, swirling or revolving, around you, creating a barrier of white light. When negative energy hits this barrier, it will be cleansed and returned to the Divine. If someone is trying, consciously or subconsciously, to take or effect your energy, this barrier will block their attempt as well and you’ll have the option to deal with their attempts on a conscious level or not, depending on the circumstances.

Some people like to create a reflective barrier that reverses the energy back on the person sending it, but I personally avoid this since so much negative energy is not a conscious thing and the last thing these people need is to have their energy returned to them. Since nobody really needs that kind of energy, I prefer to see it cleansed and directed back to the Divine.

What are your experiences with psychic defenses?

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.