Normally when we think of meditation, we think of sitting somewhere quiet and being perfectly still. That’s not the only way to meditate, though! Moving meditation is a great way to shake things up, move them forward, and have new and exciting experiences. Moving meditation can give you a new and different kind of clarity, and studies have shown that physical activity produces chemicals in the brain that aid in decision making and understanding.
When we think of moving meditation, you probably think of Tai Chi or Yoga first. Those are really great ways to use moving meditation, but they aren’t for everyone. Any physical activity can be a moving meditation, although team activities are less effective. For you, shooting hoops may be a great moving meditation. For some people, dancing is their preference. Even something as simple as going for a walk can be a beautiful meditation experience. Free movement, where you just explore how your body moves – with or without music – can be awkward feeling at first but is a really great expression of moving meditation and you can learn a lot about what’s going in your life from the movements that feel most natural.
What are your favorite ways to meditate in motion?