Simple Grounding

Photo by: seneca77 @ mF
Photo by seneca77 mF

You may have heard the term ‘grounding’ before, but what does that mean and why would you want to do it?

Grounding is creating, maintaining, and strengthening your connection to the Earth’s energy. This is important because if you become too disconnected, it becomes more and more difficult to get in touch with and focus your own personal energy. Mental activity is air energy and with our modern lifestyles, we bring a lot of air energy into our lives constantly with all of our thinking, fretting, worrying, analyzing, etc. So we really need to balance that with a good strong connection to the Earth and Earth energy.

Once you’ve got a good solid ground established, you should notice a difference in your ability to focus and concentrate and how stable you feel in general both in your life and your practice.

How to Ground

  1. Stand or sit with your feet flush on the ground.
  2. Begin your meditation and concentrate on how your feet feel against the floor.
  3. Visualize roots beginning to grow out of the bottom of your feet and penetrating the floor beneath them.
  4. Concentrate on what it feels like for the roots to grow through the floor and into the Earth below.
  5. As the roots continue to grow deeper and deeper into the Earth, they begin tapping in to the well of green Earth energy buried deep in the Earth itself.
  6. Your roots begin soaking up this deep, pure Earth energy. The energy flows all the way back up your roots, into your feet, and throughout your body. Concentrate on how this energy feels.
  7. As the energy surges upwards, you raise your arms and allow some of the energy to escape through your fingers into the sky, connecting you firmly with both Earth and Sky.
  8. Lower your arms and feel the energy settle in your body.
  9. This is your root system and it keeps this channel to the Earth energy open for you and you are able to tap into it any time. These roots remain attached to your feet but allow you to travel freely and never interfere with your activities.
  10. Thank the Earth for it’s energy and feel gratitude for your roots as you slowly bring your consciousness back to the present.

For even more grounding, go barefoot on occasion and savor the feeling of the floor or ground under your feet. Do you have any other favorite grounding techniques you would like to share?

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.