The Stormy Side of Life

Things don’t always go perfectly. They don’t always go according to plan. In fact, I used to have rules against plans because it seemed that just having them prevented them from ever happening! Somtimes our lives can be REALLY stormy.

You may have see those list of ‘ascension symptoms’ going around on the internet… let me see if I can find one for you …. Here, this one is close enough:

12 Signs of Spiritual Awakening

It may be my own cynical or crotchety nature, but to me, these are not the signs of Awakening or Ascension. To me, this is the part AFTER the Ascending or Awakening – the Ascending/Awakening itself tends to be tough, rough, and rocky. Stormy if you will! The rain whips past you like shards of glass, the puddles are all muddy, and the wind silences your words and cries and carries them off to who knows where. In your day to day life, you run into things, forget where you put things, associate things in strange ways, leap from subject to subject, and cry over dog food commercials. YES, some of these are signs of being ungrounded, too! That’s because growing and evolving can be very ungrounding (incidentally, grounding a LOT while evolving can help soften the trip). Old memories are drug out in nightmares, every person you never wanted to see again shows up throughout your days and nights, and the moments of our life you hoped to never think of again are back. There’s a lot of skeletons that come out of their closets.

It’s pretty stormy.

Hurricane, maybe. According to the gypsy queen.

Growing ISN’T easy, and if you’ve been pounding your head on the ground thinking that  you aren’t doing any growing because your life is full of STORM instead of these SIGNS, give yourself a break. Growing is HARD. When it’s time to take a break, then you’ll get these things. The calm between the storms. But if you’re caught in the storm, just remember:


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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.