Birds have a special place in animal medicine. They are denizens of the air, and, thus, often point to mental journeys that we’ll be taking, since mental activity belongs to the element of air. Their ease of motion and dominion over this element inspire us and spark in us creativity, long have human dreampt of taking wing and soaring through the skies – and let’s face it, an air plane just isn’t the same thing!
The meadowlark is a peculiar little bird who has habits most unlike other birds. Instead of building a traditional nest, the meadowlark builds a dome shaped nest or a hollow in the ground for it’s eggs. It also gathers food from the ground, but instead of hopping, it walks like human moving from spot to spot. Domes and holes in the ground speak of the dark journey inward, and since that’s where this bird makes it’s home, so it sings to us to look inward. Walking instead of hoping belies a comfort in this inner journey.
Also unusual for birds, the meadowlark sings when it flies, in addition to when it’s perched somewhere (close to the ground, no less). Songs speak to us of joy, especially when sung in flight. As such, our journey inward to the depths of our beings is not going to be a solemn and serious journey, but instead a cheerful and delightful one, likely full of surprises, twists, and turns!
If you are needing to journey inward for self discovery, the meadowlark is an excellent companion to take with you. It’ll keep the journey light-hearted and in perspective and is familiar with the territory. It will also enable you to make this a mental process in addition to a spiritual one, so that discoveries can be more easily processed into the working mind. If meadowlark has chosen you, it’s time to get ready for that inner journey! But don’t dread it, the meadowlark will be keeping it light-hearted!