One of the BIGGEST questions a lot of spiritual students – and especially me! – ask is ‘am I on my right path?’ We’re so focused on doing things right and on ‘passing’ that we often forget that a big part of the process is doing things wrong. When I was younger, my friends and I would intentionally go out and get lost, just so we could discover things we might never otherwise experience – so, too, can we do this on our spiritual journey. The last month or so I feel I’ve really fallen off my path, but I try to remind myself that I just went for a bit of a wander – a little adventurous exploration! It’s not that the time I spent was bad or I was doing things wrong, I was just exploring a different avenue – seeing what was out there. And while I did learn that I was on the wrong road, I learned a lot about myself that I’m glad to know now.
So, too, does it go when you feel you’ve ‘lost your faith’ – it isn’t that it’s gone or that you’ve lost it, you’re really discovering a new side of it, a new territory. When you have explored this part of life, this little side-trek and adventure, you’ll regain your faith again. All things happen in their proper time and losing and regaining your faith and your path is all part of being human and walking our sacred walk. And that’s okay.