When Will He Call? – By Psychic Raven

Hi everybody! A colleague of mine recently shared this from her blog on the LivePerson forum. Frankly, I couldn’t have said this better myself, so I’m not going to! Instead, she’s given me permission to paste it here, as well.

Quoth Psychic Raven:

I feel that we are all on a journey of spiritual growth and personal development, and for that reason, not every psychic is going to be right for every person. I would call myself a ‘bigger picture’ psychic. If we imagine that we are on a road called ‘growth’, at the beginning of that road we ask questions about what lies on the surface. If the reading is relevant to a relationship, we may ask if and when someone will call, if and when they will come back to us. When I am asked these questions the first thing I do is encourage the client to focus less on if someone will come back, and more on why they left. This requires moving a little further down that road, letting go of ‘today’ and examining if you are on the right path to get to your desired destination.
You may ask ‘when will he call?’ and the psychic may say ‘next Tuesday’ and may well be spot on, but that doesn’t solve the issue of why there was a period of silence and why he stopped calling in the first place. So next Tuesday he calls, all is well for a few weeks and then guess what? He backs off AGAIN. You then find yourself calling the psychic again and asking when hes going to call. All the while you are being hurt and emotionally drained and not moving along that path. You get stuck on a hamster wheel you saw on the side of the road!,

Very often people look for a reading to tell them that all will be well and become angry with the psychic if that’s not what they hear, they are resistant to growth and want to remain exactly as they are and have someone still tell them that all will be will and they will get their happy ever after.

Psychics don’t CREATE the future, so don’t get mad if they are not telling you what you wanted to hear! Take it as a opportunity to look at YOUR actions. A good psychic wont just give you bad news, they will tell you how you can change the patterns and cycles that have trapped you and show you that when YOU change the music the whole dance changes! Isnt that FAR more helpful than telling you that someone will call next week? Better to have to the potential to change the direction of the whole journey and not just what happens now.

Always be aware that the most powerful person in your life is YOU. You set the rules and create the boundaries by which others can interact with you. If you are being abused and you are an adult, then the opportunity for growth lies with YOU. When we are afraid of losing someone we care about we stay in often terrible situations. We get readings, and hope that the other person will change, and we want to know WHEN. The sad fact is that as long as you remain with them and ALLOW them to mistreat you then you are GIVING THEM PERMISSION TO DO SO. What incentive do they have to grow and overcome their issues? They can behave as they do and still have you. Not only are you stuck on your own path but you are allowing them to remain stuck on theirs. When you think about it, that isn’t love, its DEPENDENCY.

Now if all of this resonates with you, let me take you to the next level. Lets say you have read this, and understand what you need to do and how your actions have contributed to where you find yourself. That’s wonderful! But the test is this – are you going to do this work because you love yourself, want to put yourself first, and want to change the pattern of all your relationships from now on – OR – are you going to say ‘Wow, Raven that made so much sense to me I am so glad I spoke to you, now tell me, if I do all this, WHEN WILL HE CALL ME? ( Raven bangs head against wall!).

If you remember only one thing you read here, make it this. LOVE YOURSELF FIRST. When you grow, you do it for YOU, not to influence someone elses free will. God doesn’t do ‘deals’ It isnt a case of saying ‘Ok God, Ill do what I need to do to learn this lesson as long as I can have this person at the end of it. NO DEAL.

When you stop enabling someone to treat you as they do, then they are triggered to grow, they can no longer interact with you as things were because YOU are no longer the same person. Your growth becomes the catalyst for theirs, but they always have free will, can avoid growth ( as you once did!) and may not appreciate your new approach. THIS IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO STAY AS YOU ARE!

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.