Those of you who have read my About page (and bless you if you did!) know that I’ve been at this a very long time, but it’s only recently that I’ve taken on the titles of Shaman and Pathfinder.
You don’t have to be a shaman to engage in shamanic practice. Shamanic practice is in the small things we do – the ritual that we engage in during out day. Checking the locks on your doors before going to bed at night can be considered a protection ritual. Saying thanks to the nature spirit who brought you your salad or steak tonight is shamanic practice. Saying hello to the rock doves outside your front door in the morning on your way to work is shamanic practice. So is your meditation, visualization, and crystal magic.
Shamanic practices are easy to integrate into your life. They’re not a big fancy ritual, but instead a constant communication between yourself and energy. But shamanic practice alone doesn’t make you a shaman.
Shamans are people who have decided to dedicate themselves to bridging the gap between our physical world and our spiritual world – bringing the two together and helping to guide their fellow tribesman on their path. It comes from a desire to help bring balance back in to the world and the willingness to teach others – both on spiritual matters and physical matters. It comes from this place of wanting to share and wanting to help improve our world and shape it into something even more beautiful.
So there you have it. I’ve been called to this role from my wish to help other people and make the beauty in the world that I see stand out. I am drawn to share my knowledge, for which I’ve spent years in study. I want to make the world a better place and I want to help you make it better, too. I wish I could share with you my vision of the world – and overlapping spirit world – so you could see how amazing it is! These are things I have always done – I’ve always been around to answer questions, offer guidance, and reveal paths. It’s not something I started doing over night.
It’s not so much that I chose Shamanism so much as I realized that I was already doing it.