Why Self Care Matters

Shadowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui Mun Law

I’ve done a lot of readings the last few days and one thing has really stood out to me. The most common piece of advice I’ve been giving people is that they need to work on self-care and being more confident in who they are. This applies to all areas of your life – romance, health, finances, family, creativity, spirituality, etc. So many people are being brought down by stress, doubt, fear, and treatment by other people. They believe deep down that they don’t deserve for things to be good and right and that they deserve to struggle.

You Aren’t Meant to Struggle

You aren’t meant to struggle. You’re meant to be challenged, yes – there will always be obstacles to overcome, but you aren’t meant to struggle the way that we’ve been doing. I’m reminded of the 8 of Swords from my Shadowscapes deck – it pictures a beautiful swan, underground, tangled up in swords and unable to break free while a hummingbird above glows softly. The meaning behind the card is that the more you struggle, the more entangled you become and that the way out of your predicament is to stop struggling and go with the flow. The hummingbird reminds us that there is hope.

What Does “Flow” Mean?

So, what do I mean by “flow?” Well, it’s a little like zen – taking the path of least resistance. As an example, you’re wondering if a romantic relationship is going to work out and if he’s ever going to start treating you better. There are several paths you can take, but two of the main ones are ‘hang in there and hope he changes’ and ‘get out now’ – it is easier for you to find a new relationship than it would be for him to change and start treating you right. There is less resistance in flowing away from the unhealthy relationship than there is in expecting someone to change at such a core level. Flowing means that it’s not your job to change people and allows you to find what works for you instead of sticking with what doesn’t.

So Where Does Self Care Come In?

Well, self-care is about more than eating healthy and getting enough sleep. It’s also about maintaining and building your confidence, having healthy boundaries, and knowing that you deserve only the best. Self care means that you take care of yourself in every sense of the word and that you don’t allow any one – yourself included! – to abuse you in any way. Self care means that you take the time to do things that make you feel good about life. Life is a wonderful gift and should be celebrated, no one deserves to be miserable. But no one is responsible for the happiness of another person – and no one else is responsible for your own happiness. Each person must take care of themselves to ensure happiness and satisfaction with life.

Remember – it’s your life – you can shape it the way you want!

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Nathara Witch
Nathara has been a practicing psychic, witch, spiritual advisor, and teacher for over two decades. As a third generation intuitive, she had the benefit of learning from the generations before her and holds that privilege close to her heart as the time she had with her mother is dear and precious to her. As an empath, she has always cared deeply for other people- maybe too deeply – and ultimately wants the world to happy and healthy. This is ultimate motivation behind CrowSong Lodge – how to heal the world – and giving folks the same benefit and privilege that she was given.